CCHF Conference

CCHF Conference
Christian Community Health Fellowship
A conference that's inspiring Christians in the medical field to live out the Gospel through providing healthcare to the poor and powerless.
As husband to a primary care physician who works in an urban clinic everyday, I was thrilled to partner with CCHF in developing the thematic artwork for two of their recent annual conferences.
The CCHF conference gathers practitioners and medical students from all over the United States to share knowledge, instill a biblical vision for healthcare, and serve as a time of refreshing for those who find themselves on the "front lines" of caring for the underserved, under-insured, and disenfranchised in our nation's healthcare system.
2012 Conference
2014 Conference
Faith in the Trenches
The theme of "Faith in the Trenches" spoke directly to those who have made the choice to go into what can only be characterized as a little-sought-after line of work, often giving up higher salaries, lighter schedules, and standard patient concerns for the challenges of caring for low-income individuals often in poor health and in under-resourced clinic environments. The art was a reminder that God's calling, though seemingly impossible at times, can only be accomplished by faith.
The 2012 design was incorporated into a tri-fold self-mailer brochure to promote the event. Recipients were surprised to find that the brochure folded out into a 16x16-inch poster that could be hung in offices or on break room bulletin boards to advertise the conference locally.
Plenary session speaker Dr. John M. Perkins (at right) is best known for his civil rights leadership from the 1960s onward, preaching a message of racial reconciliation and love, as well as for founding the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA).
Two years later, CCHF chose the theme "Rooted" for the annual conference to honor the legacy of early leaders like John Perkins who sparked the justice movement of quality healthcare for the poor. The goal of the theme was to inspire up-and-coming leaders to remain grounded to the core values that CCHF was birthed out of. The image of an ancient olive tree was used to illustrate the strength and vitality of the foundation that had been laid for future generations to lay hold of.
“Jeff is able to capture the heart of what we want to communicate in powerful graphics. He stayed in touch with us throughout the development stage, and produced work that we were proud to have represent our organization and the message we were trying to promote. Jeff honored our timelines, and was quick to identify the spirit of our message.”