Dream Conference

Dream Conference
Phoenix First Assembly
A conference that is daring church leaders to dream God-sized dreams.
For nearly 40 years, pastor and author Tommy Barnett hosted what was known as the annual Pastors and Leaders Conference. In 2013, the conference changed its name to “Dream Conference” with the purpose of honoring Pastor Barnett's legacy of encouraging church leaders to pursue God-given dreams for their ministries. The new name also came with a new format and an intentional move to reach thousands of new leaders in communities across America and the world.*
For this, just the fourth iteration of the new Dream Conference format, we had the exciting opportunity to break free from previous schematics of solid colors and typical crowd shots and present something much more unique and exciting. I was able to create an effect that brought together brush-stroke lines and fluorescent colors for a dynamic, eye-catching composition. The paint from the strokes appeared to glow as if under a black light and helped to give the design a tactile feel, which paralleled the conference's reputation of providing very practical, hands-on workshops and sessions. The design was also intentional in appealing to a younger audience and a fresh generation of world changers.
I also had the opportunity to design and build a single-page brochure website for the conference that allowed site users to browse all of the important details pertaining to the three-day event just by scrolling up and down.