The Death of Perfectionism

The third issue of Sunday| Magazine hits inboxes this morning, and with it a graphic I designed for the cover article entitled, "The Death of Perfectionism."
The topic of perfectionism is one that I immediately gravitated to because it has long served the dual role of strength and weakness in my life. Early chapters of this story include episodes where I would throw screaming fits if I colored outside the lines or mistakenly hit the wrong note on the piano. However, I'd be lying if I didn't credit my perfectionistic tendencies for elevating my design style to what it is today. Indeed, as I began work on coming up with a visual concept for this article, I fought against and with this inner drive to perfect my design. The result you see here is actually my fourth iteration. Perfection can needlessly drive us crazy in pursuit of an ideal that may or may not exist. However, I believe that the mindful pursuit of perfection can also raise the bar of excellence, resulting in a truer form of worship of God, the perfect and holy Being, in whose image we are formed. After all, He is worthy of only our best offerings. It's a fine line, though, and often times I, as well as others, fall into the trap of idolizing our own creations. There is a time to let go, to present the work in its imperfect form, the labor of love, sweat, and tears… this too is worship. As you wrestle with perfectionism in your own life, be reminded that we are merely tainted lumps of clay attempting to bring glory to an absolutely flawless Maker.
Here's a quick behind-the-scenes look at how "The Death of Perfectionism" came to be.
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